
BIMstormâ„¢ | Build Boston 14 May 2008
Part 2 - Live
- BIMstormâ„¢ returned to Boston for another round.
- Part of the AIA TAP - Technology in Architectural Practice
Conference being held alongside the AIA National Convention in Boston.
- Real time charrette during the 90 minute plenary session,
on May 14, 2008
- 130 BIMs were created during the 90 minutes.
- Audience members submitted BIMs from their iPhones,
Laptops and on paper forms, which were then entered into Onuma.
- Remote participants also submitted their projects.
- This was a first of a kind massive creation of BIMs in
real time from the audience.
Step 1 - An Audience of 400 submitted 130 BIMs in 90 Minutes.
- As the audience arrived for the presentation instructions
were handed out on how to create BIMs using iPhones and laptops. For
those that did not have an iPhone or laptop, a form was provided to
write in the basic parameters of a building. Each person could choose a
type of building, name it, define the gross square footage and the
number of floors. These forms were then handed to the front of the
room, where the presenters entered the data into Onuma.
Excel, Laptops, Paper and Pencil, were used to create BIMs.
The Onuma Model Server supported these BIMs at varying levels of
- As the entries from step 1 were then picked up in real
time by the Onuma team in Pasadena and the Miralles team in Pasadena.
Onuma generated Google Earth Files.
- This building was automatically generated from an Excel
file defining the program requirements. The upper floors of the tower
are for a hotel. The lower floors only show the core of the tower and
have yet to be populated with office space. The most fascinating thing
about this process is that design iterations can be explored by
changing the order and configuration of the Excel file, which then
automatically creates this BIM by importing it to Onuma. No design work
or rearranging of spaces has happened yet at this point in the process.
IFC files generated BIMs to be opened in Revit, Archicad and
- The same tower that was generated above from the Excel
file is then exported through IFC and imported to Revit or other BIM
applications. This is a 100% automatically generated BIM in Revit, with
proper floor to floor heights, space, space names and other attributes.
It is up to the designer now to resolve it in Revit. The 3D view here
is what an Excel programming document for a tower looks like. Note the
grey rectangles are the floor plates, and the spaces can be seen
floating beyond the floors.
Boston will
never be the same.
BIM is for the
BIM for the People is the theme
of this BIMStorm
- BIM is democratic. Understanding how the power of many can
have dramatic results.
- BIM needs to be accessible by all to make the process
- If you know how to use Excel, you can create a BIM in
- If you have an iPhone, you can create a BIM in Boston.
BIMStorm centered on top of the Boston City Hall
Building Smart in Boston
* If you have not joined the buidlingSMART alliance, join it now. There
are a lot of SMART people that are from the industry, including many
owners who are looking for other SMART BIMMers to network with. Join
the alliance get SMART and then come back here and play in BIMStorm
Boston. It will change your future.
- buildingSMART alliance
- The ONLY way we are going to reduce our carbon footprint
is to use open standards based processes to enable true real time
collaboration and decision making.
- The complexities of the industry and need to measure,
calibrate, design and construct our environment, require building in a
smart way.
- Stop building dumb.

2015-10-28 09:43:06 |